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Apprenticeships 2018

Rise to the top of your profession with apprenticeships


Sue Husband

Director, NAS

An apprenticeship can take you anywhere – on land, sea or air! They enable young people of all ages and from all backgrounds to progress and realise their ambitions.

There is a rich and diverse range of apprenticeships on offer, from traineeships right through to higher and degree apprenticeships.

Sue Husband, Director of the National Apprenticeship Service, said: “National Apprenticeship Week celebrates apprenticeships and the positive impact they have on individuals, businesses and the wider economy.

“With businesses and young people getting involved in hundreds of events taking place all over the country, it can’t fail to inspire and motivate a whole new generation to get on-board.”

National Apprenticeship Week 2015 was a phenomenal success. And this year aims to be bigger and better.

Sue Husband continued: “Now is the time for more young people to consider apprenticeships as a route into a successful and rewarding career and for more businesses to get on board and reap the benefits. Some of the country’s top employers are offering work experience, traineeships and apprenticeships to help give young people the best start in their career.

“I meet apprentices up and down the country and am always impressed by how enthusiastic they are, not only about their own jobs but by spreading the word far and wide to others. Many of our apprentices go into schools and colleges to talk about how their apprenticeship has literally changed their lives.

“They tell me on a regular basis how starting an apprenticeship is the best decision they have ever made; about how their confidence has improved and about how rewarding their career is.”

Apprenticeships are available in 1500 job roles, covering more than 170 industries. They are available at intermediate, advanced, higher and degree level.

“Young people can ‘get in and go far’ with an apprenticeship at some of Britain’s biggest and brightest companies,” Sue Husband said. “They can gain the skills and knowledge they need to succeed, in some cases up to degree level, while working and earning. We want it to become the norm for young people to consider an apprenticeship as a route to a great career and secure finances in the years ahead. 

The benefits of apprenticeships to individuals are great: after finishing, 90%  stay in employment.

“With more higher and degree apprenticeships becoming available, young people are able to choose an equally valid route as going to university, aim high and get right to the top.

The benefits of apprenticeships to individuals are great: after finishing, 90%  stay in employment, with seven in ten staying with the same employer; around a quarter of former apprentices had been promoted within 12 months of finishing; apprentices say that their ability to do the job had improved, and said their career prospects had improved too.

And financially speaking, the rewards are clear: on average, individuals with an advanced apprenticeship earn between £77,000 and £117,000 more over their lifetime than similar individuals with Level 2 qualifications; those completing a higher apprenticeship could see increased earnings of an estimated £150,000 over their lifetime.

And for businesses, apprenticeships enable them to grow their skills base resulting in increased profits and better products. Almost nine out of every ten apprenticeship employers hoping to achieve business benefits tell us that apprenticeships deliver – including 89% reporting that it has helped their business improve the quality of their product or service.

“There really has never been a better time to become an apprentice or employ one,” Sue Husband concluded.

To find out more about apprenticeships, search on GOV.UK

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